
The Dallas AA Central Office is conveniently located just west of the Dallas North Tollway, between Midway Road and Inwood Road.

Office Information

Volunteer!The office is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.   We depend on our volunteers (25 to 30 of them!) who work morning or afternoon shifts to take care of sales and stocking among other duties. We are always looking for additional volunteers, especially emergency standby; if you are interested in assisting in this important and life-saving work by volunteering your time, experience, strength and hope, please click here for more information.  Please contact us if you have any questions.  Our phones are answered 24/7, but our offices close at 6pm.

The Central Office is staffed by a full-time Office Manager. AA’s Eighth Tradition states, “…our service centers may employ special workers.” Our Director and Assistant Director are accountable to the Board, whose Trustees are accountable to the Representatives, who are accountable to their respective home groups. The Director is responsible for the daily operation and fiscal responsibility of the Central Office. Matters that pertain to the groups or members of AA in general are brought to the Reps for a vote. For example, the groups, by the vote of their elected representatives, decided many years ago that the office should sell medallions and non-AA literature in addition to a complete catalogue of literature from AA World Services and The Grapevine, including foreign-language publications.

We publish printed meeting schedules for your convenience, The Dallas Metroplex Directory, available at most groups and at the Central Office. Groups must meet only one requirement for inclusion in the meeting schedule: Tradition Three, i.e., that its members ought to be men and women who suffer from alcoholism, that its meetings should be open to all alcoholics and that, as a group, it should have no other affiliation. Inclusion in the schedule or on the website is not dependent on a group’s financial support of DIA.

Volunteers Packing

Our newsletter, The DIA Log, is available at groups whose Reps take them back from the monthly Intergroup meetings. It is also sent via email for one year to all members who contribute to the DIA or subscribe. Aside from announcements and the DIA’s monthly financial report, it includes feature articles written by local members and recovering alcoholics from around the world.

Your Central Office is the “front line of AA” in our community. We get calls from the general public and from schools, hospitals and other institutions needing information about Alcoholics Anonymous. We provide services such as speakers and literature to these institutions though our various committees.

We take many calls – and e-mails – from alcoholics needing help, and we carry the message to them in many ways. Alcoholics asking for help trigger our 12th Step Initiative.  The caller is asked if they wish to talk to a member about the program and then a 12th Step volunteer along with another member (we do not do 12th Steps alone) call and arrange a meeting with the newcomer at a neutral location, and take them to a meeting if they want to go.  In this way we are returning to our beginnings and “sponsoring” the still suffering alcoholic into Alcoholics Anonymous rather than simply sending them to the closest meeting.  If you want to be a part of theis initiative contact the office or fill in our volunteer form.  We try to accommodate the many visitors to Dallas whenever possible with contacts and on occasions rides. At all times, we try to share our own experiences with them in the hope of triggering the identification process that leads to recovery.

Many members contact us about meeting schedules for groups all over the Greater Dallas area and beyond.

In the future, we hope to continue and enhance these services that reflect the finest in AA tradition. The Dallas Intergroup Association will continually strive to improve its vital outreach with our standing committees. The Dallas AA Central Office will continue to employ competent, skilled, dedicated special workers with an equally committed corps of AA volunteers. The times require responsible, able workers who can understand financial analyses, publish a newsletter, have working knowledge of the latest computer technologies and know our AA community intimately. Yet, we never want to lose sight of our most fundamental principle: being responsible to the alcoholic who still suffers and wants help. We are here to serve.

Delicious CoffeePlease drop by and see us – browse the literature racks, chat with volunteers and staff, have a cup of AA coffee or an ice-cold soda. You’re always welcome – it’s your Central Office.

Dallas Intergroup Display at a Recent CPC/PI event

Dallas Intergroup Display at a Recent CPC/PI event

The Dallas Central Office, under the direction of the Dallas Intergroup Association, serves the greater Dallas, Texas metro area. The Central Office supports the individual groups of AA in the greater Dallas area, and seeks to help those individuals who feel they may have a problem with alcohol and wish to find an AA meeting to attend. For more information about the office, click here. The Central Office is always looking for volunteers to work in the office, to speak at group meetings, to provide Twelfth Step calls, etc. If you would like to lend some of your time and energy to help support these efforts, click here for more information.

This Web Site is neither endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. It is provided by the Dallas Intergroup Association through the Dallas AA Central Office to reach out to the alcoholic who still suffers, and to provide both specific information to the AA Community and general information to the public about AA’s program of recovery, local meeting schedules, AA services, special events and literature. Although some of the items contained in these pages are
published with permission of AA World Services, Inc, this does not imply approval of the Website by the General Service Conference. This site provides links to many AA Intergroups/Central Offices and a few selected non-commercial recovery Websites, including the Dallas Al-Anon Information Service’s site. Inclusion of these links is intended to be a convenience for those who visit our site. Such inclusion does not constitute or imply any endorsement by, approval of, or affiliation with either the Dallas Intergroup Association, the Dallas AA Central Office or Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, and The Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine® and AA Grapevine are registered trademarks of The AA Grapevine, Inc. Alcoholics Anonymous — P. O. Box 459, Grand Central Station, NY 10163

The group meeting schedules are revised as corrections/additions are reported to the Central Office. Any new corrections or additions should be directed to the Central Office for inclusion on the website and in the published schedule. Our online and printed directory is only as accurate as the group information we receive.  If a group has not contacted us in some way and cannot be reached after every contact has been made, that group will be inactive and invisible on the webpage until we get updates.  If your group closes please let us know.  A newcomer or out of town visitor using our information to find a meeting should have every expectation that they will find a meeting as described and we do our upmost to make sure that is the case.  Needing a meeting and then not being able to find one is something we would like to avoid.

Please note that each page includes a date of most recent update. Every reasonable effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information contained within these pages, however, no guarantee is expressed or implied. The printed version of the group meeting schedules is for sale at the Central Office.

This document describes more about what Intergroup does:

Copyright © 2010
Dallas AA Central Office
Dallas Intergroup Association
All Rights Reserved.