Tuesday, 7:15 am
Closed meetings are for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking.”
Password: Spiritual (with a capital S)
17 other meetings at this location
Meadow Central
10300 N Central Expy Bldg.
Suite 116
Dallas, TX 75231
The Clean Air Group is accepting contributions by regular check or through Zelle (registering with [email protected]). Our mailing address for checks is Clean Air Group Alcoholics Anonymous, 10300 N. Central Expy, Suite 116, Dallas, TX 75231-8658.
Birthdays are celebrated on the last Saturday of each month at 7pm and are Hybrid Meetings. Please visit https://cleanairgroupdallas.org for more information.
District 53
Building is open 7 AM - 6 PM Monday-Friday.
Saturday, it is open from 8 AM to 3 PM.
Sunday, the building is locked all day.
After hours, see security guard at main entrance, north side of building.
Greeters are at both doors Sunday mornings.
North/East side door has a doorbell that rings the Group.
Parking - There are accessible parking spaces available. (9 feet wide for car, plus 5-foot-wide access aisle),
Entrance - (Door has width 32”),
Restrooms - There is adequate space for a person in a wheelchair and grab bars. (44" for forward movement and a 5’ diameter)
Dallas-Tollway East
Updated September 23, 2022