Highland Park United Methodist (Bus Route Access)
Room 252 (please enter through double doors under Porte cochere and take elevator or stairs)
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Behind the church
Ray of Hope
St. Luke Lutheran Church (Bus Route Access)
meeting takes place within the church library
Cloud 9 Ranch
Deep Ellum Community Center (Bus Route Access)
Chinn Chapel
Meeting is in the little white building beside the little white Methodist church on Chinn Chapel north of FM 407 (GPS sometimes takes you to a soccer field)
online duncanville
Zoom Meeting ID: 598 326 9064 Password: 452121
Lake Cities United Methodist
3521 Main St
Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church
Meeting is in Fellowship Hall Zoom Meeting ID: 831 5736 5809 Meeting Password: newlife Dial In Phone Number: (346) 248-7799 Meeting ID: 831 5736 5809
Trietsch Memorial United Methodist, Family Life Center, #230
Enter church parking and turn left at the front of church. Proceed to Family Life Center building uphill. Meeting on 2nd floor room 230
St Thomas the Apostle Church
South Room of the church