In keeping with AA Tradition (Tradition Eleven), this website will not
publish recognizable images of AA members who are alive or recently
deceased. All of the personal photos in this section have previously been featured in publications of AA World Services, Inc, and are reprinted with permission. We will carry the story of AA further as time permits us to develop this part of our site. The accompanying text is drawn from AA publications (Pass It On, Dr Bob and the Good Oldtimers and AA Comes of Age) and recollections of oldtimer members. It has not been approved by AA World Services, Inc or the AA General Service Conference. Every reasonable effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information contained here, but no guarantee is expressed or implied.
Wilson House, East Dorset, VT. Birthplace of William Griffith Wilson, Co-Founder, Alcoholics Anonymous.
Towns Hospital, 293 Central Park West, New York City. It was here while under the care of Dr William Duncan Silkworth that Bill W had his life-changing spiritual experience. Remarkably, Dr Silkworth did not scoff at Bill’s enthusiasm but rather encouraged it.
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Dallas Intergroup Association
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